(If you are a registered user of TimeTracker, contact Maui Software regarding upgrade information)
If TimeSlice™ is more than you need, check out our other time-tracking product TimeTracker. TimeTracker has fewer features, but it also costs less.
TimeSlice can be considered a TimeTracker Pro, or TimeTracker can be considered a TimeSlice Lite. Both products will continue to be supported.
What does TimeSlice have that TimeTracker does not?
Here's a partial list:
• Client or Job Number column.
• Stop Date column.
• More Preferences so you can customize TimeSlice just as you want it.
• Client/Project/Category list is specific to each file. Make a change to a Client, Project, Category or hourly rate, and it affects only the file you're working on.
• Assign the hourly rate to either the Client, Project, or Category.
• In-line text editing (so you don't have to use the Edit Time window).
• Pop-up menu for selecting a Client/Project/Category.
• Auto-Link other applications to TimeSlice documents.
• Sort time records same way as with the Finder (click on the column name).
• Enhanced Speech manager functions.
• Assign colors to time records.
• Mark Special has additional features. Mark by Date, Category, Client, Project, or Color.
• Set Budget has additional features such as show budget spent or budget remaining.
• Export has additional features.
• Print has additional features such as specifying the font and font size, grid, column names, and a Print Preview!
• Export has more features.
• Time Display now can apply to both Elapsed time and Paused time.